Thursday, August 20, 2009

But does he?

I was driving back from my parents house and I saw an older Ford Bronco - the kind with the back window that used to roll down. It was a bunch of teenagers with every window that could open, opened.

Well thinking back, I thought about my teenage years of driving around in cars without the luxury of air conditioning. I thought how hot and miserable I used to be in the summers in rural Ohio, with the vinyl seats sticking us and sweating rivers. The only air was at 60 MPH and above.

Then I thought, actually, those were the best of times, but I didn't know it. No mortgages, electric bills, watching your weight, knowing when to say when, and all those other adults things we spend so much of our day worrying about. Sigh..

Then at an intersection the truck turned and from my day dream I awoke to read a bumper sticker on the car in front of it:

"Have faith in God"

My first thought was, "But does God have faith in me?"

And my second thought was, "it doesn't matter, as long as I have faith in me..."

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