Friday, August 27, 2010

Where is the pacifer

My wife came to me yesterday morning with the exclamation, "you won't believe what I did last night".

Now, normally, I might cock my head to one side and look at her (very similar to a dog looking at a human doing, well, doing a stupid human trick). However, since we have a new born son, and she let me sleep that night, I felt it better to hold any smart ass gestures.

She says to me, "Well, in the middle of night he was fussy, so I checked him and found he was wet. I changed his diaper and went to lay him back down and could not found his pacifier" (Known in our house as a binky).

She goes on to say, "I looked in the crib, on the floor, even in the trash were I threw the diaper. Finally I picked him up to soothe him and felt something not right on his bottom. Then I realized I had fastened up the diaper with his binky inside."

By this time, I am on the floor laughing, and our poor son is looking at me with his head cocked to the side...


Danette said...

Thought it was time to visit your blog Jeffrey-- I didn't realize you had a baby! Congratulations!

Singing to Jeffrey's Tune said...

Thanks Danette for stopping by. I have been very lax in my posts of late, but hope to change that now we have a new groove with Mr. Parker.

Frank said...

Have you guys seen my car keys?

Jack Riepe said...

Dear Jeffrey:

I would strongly suggest giving the binky a good wash before sticking it back in the child's mouth. It's a good thing the child wasn't playing with a cigarette lighter. Congratulations to you and you wife on the birth of your son.

Fondest regards,
Jack • reep • Toad
Twisted Roads

Singing to Jeffrey's Tune said...

@Frank - I have them in the diaper pail if you would like to retrieve them.

@Jack - oh, it got tossed (the binky). He has graduated from lighters to knives and handguns - lax gun laws in great southern state of Florida. Thanks for the condolences.