Thursday, November 20, 2008

The value of a smile

There is nothing more free to give in this world than a smile and nothing that brings more joy I have found for the price.

As a test, when driving home from the beach, I will wave to people (it is a long ride in a very slow moving area with lots of people, so you have the opportunity see many pedestrians). Statistically, I found that over 80% of the time, people will look at you like you have a third eye if you just wave. However, if you add in a simple smile, over 80% of the people will smile and wave back (and this is from people that have no clue who I am).

So, I guess in a simple sense, just use a smile to help brighten others day, but be genuine about it. As they called it at school, the "creativity smile" can be seen through if not genuine.

I leave you with a quote that I cannot attribute:

"It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice"

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