Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The mornings are the best!

I have to say, the morning is the best. Breakfast. Hot Coffee. Eggs and turkey bacon. Mmmmm. The laptop out on the lanai, with a kraft of Java. Nice...

I have friends that are technology enthusiasts (whether by hobby or trade) that nix-a on the mornings. They stay up way too late to enjoy it is all. I just got to say it is my most productive for slinging code at work, or working up new ideas (I tend to like to write at night however).

Some of the best things about mornings:
1.) You get to start a brand new day!
2.) You have the full day ahead of you with endless possibilities.
3.) BREAKFAST (if you ever notice, it is the cheapest of all meals, both at home and out).
4.) COFFEE! Some good, make your hair grow, make your brain crawl out your ear and do laps Java, fresh brewed!
5.) The cool air for exercising!
6.) Watching the sun come up!
7.) Lastly, knowing it lasts until 11:59 AM.

Needless to say, I like the morning!

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