Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Rebuilt at the edge of old age - boomers to bionic

Is Florida a fluke, or is the rest of the country like this... Baby Boomer women being rebuilt between 45 to 65. I know in the midwest where I am from they were not like that. Here... they seem to all have the bionic boobies and booties, and the face lift. The only way you can tell is the hands. They tend to have the "veins" or "wrinkles" in them. Not only are they biologically rebuilt, they get new wardrobes.

As for the new wardrobes, they tend to wear the hoochy momma outfits, stuff they would never let their daughters wear when they were 16. Am I wrong? Look around sometime at an out door cabana bar. You get the "rich biker momma" that is the doctor's, lawyer's, biz owner's trophy wife on a $60-90K Hawg (b/c normal people cannot afford those bikes any more).

I will get on the soap box in a later blog, but this a prelude to how I think the Baby Boomers have ROBBED this country. The best line I have heard is this, "Why dislike the Baby Boomers? Four decades of lying around suckling off the fat from past and future generations, while having the nads to sanctimoniously condemn materialism and greed!"

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