Friday, September 12, 2008

Don't buy into the hype of bottled water.

This phenomenon of bottle water still baffles me. Granted I did buy bottled water (and keep some in stock for hurricanes), but as a regular bases, I don't drink it. I drink the tap water (and I do plan to install a filter).

Don't believe the hype that bottled water is any better for you. Most of it is just tap water anyway with a 1000% markup and a non-degradable container that will stay in a landfill for millions of years.

Just a little story on what could happen:

Time: Present day
Place: Grocery store

Two friends enter a grocery store when one remarks, "ooh! Aquafina for $3.99 a 24 pack, that is cheap!".

The other friend replies, "what do you mean cheap? That is just tap water marked up a 1000%. Besides, that bottle stays in a landfill for millions of years."

The first friend, "Like I give a shit."

The second friend, "you know, sometimes I think people like you should be ground up for food....."

Time: Near Future
Place: Grocery store

"Dad, can we get some bologna?"

The father, "No son, it is not made with the same stuff as it used to be made from."

The son, "What is it made from?"

The father, "Well, it used to be pig and cow lips and buttholes, but now, they make it out of people that don't follow green practices"

Eyes wide, the boy asks, "Really? No way!"

The father, "Sure, I had a friend that used to buy bottled water. He couldn't get off the stuff. It was so bad, even after they banned it, he would import it from Mexico. One day, they found out, and took him to the bologna factory."

The boy, "Wow, I am glad we use our own containers for water and other drinks. I don't want to be bologna."

"Exactly son, now don't share this with your mother about bologna."

..... At home that night

The wife, "Honey! Just what have you been telling the boy!"

Kidding aside, get your own water bottle and refill it.


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