Friday, September 19, 2008

Twitter - at capacity

Some of you may know of the service known as twitter. In a world of sound bites and SMS messages, Twitter is the next logical evolution. In a nutshell, twitter is a web (or SMS, IM, etc) interface that will push out 140 character messages of "what you are doing now".

Now, mind you I do partake in such craziness, but sometimes I wonder if it is good for the "children". In a world where IM speak is pervading their school day writings.

Twitter has become so popular, that "tweets" will be shown on one of the political debates network broadcast.

To check it out, look at

Well, I want to see how it fairs at the debates if they are showing this today:

To steal a line from conchscooter, "Hello, my name is Jeffreystune and I am a twitteree".

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