Friday, September 5, 2008

Jerk off Motorcyclists

I don't know what it is with bikers lately, but they have been buttholes.

Um guys, I have a large truck, I will squish your ass if you get in my way again and cut me off.

So to the hairy armed butt munch that thought I was "passing him", I wouldn't worry about the "V-8 being that bad", I would worry about the driver of the 2 ton trunk that was in a fragile emotional state, who wouldn't give a damn to make you into road pizza. You better thank God for witnesses and my mother-in-law's common sense.

Also, to the old fart on the trike, you are the "f*ing a$$hole". You were 4 cars back and then went around everyone on the curve to the bridge to "get ahead" in line. Even if you had your turn signal on, I don't have to let you over.

So bikers, you want us in cars to watch for you? Try not being butt wads.

I have to comment, this was not meant to apply to all bikers. It is just 2 bad apples in a row, led me down the path of thinking the whole bunch was rotten. I know that is not true.


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