Saturday, July 5, 2008

Am I one for Key West? Hell Yeah! And here is why

Interesting question I have thought about many times. I once told a colleague's wife that I wanted to move to Key West. She laughed and said "you are not interesting enough".

Huh? I was taken back. Why was I not interesting enough? I thought I was neat person with a lot of things to say. When I started to look at myself then, I decided maybe I was just too average.

Since then I attempted to do all these fun and crazy things. To add more "color" to my personality and "bag of tricks". I got multiple degrees. I tried to have cool experiences and talk to cool people. I went on cool trips, I learned to "attempt" to play music, I tried starting businesses, started writing blogs and books and stories. I created art. In short a lot of things that I "thought" would make me more interesting.

After awhile, I started to notice something. It was not the experiences that made one interesting. It was how they carried themselves. Not the places they had been or the things they had done or seen. It was something in the way they thought.

From then I vowed to think differently. To look at the world with a different eye. To stop and make sure it was making sense to me as well as make sure I made my own world the way I wanted to live it. Not b/c I thought it made me interesting, or it was the way others thought I should be. Before you can change your situation, you need to change yourself.

That is what Key West is really about for me. The way people carry themselves and make their world the way they want it. Maybe it is the hippy influence? Maybe the gays? Maybe the cuban immigrants? The tropical waters? The alignment of the compass around it? Who knows.

For now, I must go out side and watch the rain.

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