Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thoughts on the United States current oil woes - what it really is.

I have been reading several articles lately about oil protests locally and a reporter using the bus here in Lee County Florida in the News Press.

I have been working from home for 8 years now, saving 10's of 1000's in costs from fuel, maintenance, insurance, plus the less stress. Most people are not that lucky. However, we have gone further and further out into the suburbs. People work 20-30-40 miles from their homes.

It will not "shrink back" quickly (unless of course there is a shock). After reading about people griping about the "inconvenience" of the bus, I realized it was not the Presidential pick, the foreign Devils with the oil, drilling off shore, drilling in the US, the building nuclear power plants as solutions or the problems.

I realized what the problem and the solution actually is. It is our lifestyle. We have gotten to the point of gluttony. Tone it down and you won't need the oil. Don't be so time sensitive to crap. Don't buy shit you don't need and you won't have to work 40 miles away from your home to get the higher pay. Also, get a good attitude. It is fear of change that is rallying people, not the cost of oil.

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