Friday, July 11, 2008

Frangipanis, Royal Poncianas, Angels Trumpets Oh My!

On my bike ride each morning, I ride along some of the prettiest landscapes and plantscapes. The fragrant frangipani and angels trumpets, and brilliant Royal Poncianas are along the ride. I love living in the subtropics, and that is mostly due to the vegetation. Nothing like seeing green all year round. Pop in some tunes on my Sony Ericsson w580i and away I roll (which is also what I took the pictures on... this is actually a very good phone as I posted about previously).

The community which seems to have some of the prettiest foliage is Cape Harbor. It is a gated community that I live near (Not in mind you, when I moved here they were just building it and I should have bought in at the ground floor, however now, with the recent real estate market slump, you can get some good deals on the condo's there). Not that they need it, but there was their free plug. P.S. Will Stout, during the build of the place, your contractors kill 6 of my mail boxes. Remit payment to my paypal :-).

Some pictures of the ride:

One of my bikes (notice I have a light for at night!)

The pseudo entrance to Cape Harbor (see my shadow?)

Royal Ponciana just starting to bloom! They will be on fire soon, through end of August! Take a drive down the FL Keys and they are every where as well.

Angels Trumpet (man you should smell them. At night they are more fragrant). We like the smell so much, Jessica and I planted one near our bedroom window so we can smell it during the winter.

The frangipani I ride by every day. I actually got a couple of cuttings from a neighbor of this same plant for my yard because it smells that nice.

A last shot of the "street" scape there at Cape Harbor's condos (they are above the shops. I like the concept, but it would almost feels like Disney Land to live there).

That is part of my morning bike ride.

There are other places I pass along the way I will talk about in a future post.


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